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Educational Videos

We invite you to explore the below videos, where you can learn more about our doctors, hear patient stories, and more.

Fertility Q&A’s with Dr. Wood & Dr. Duro

Food & Fertility Episode I & II - PCOS & ENDOMETRIOSIS

“First Week on Fertility:” IVF Part I, II, III & IV

How to survive infertility as a couple..

PCOS and Infertility - Symptoms and Treatment

What are you doing to destress these days? The answer is, follow your passion! Mine, as you can hear, is the piano...

What is the value of ZyMōt to a patient? "It’s a way where you can actually pick the sperm that have proven they can do what we want them to do." - Dr. Enrique Soto

IVFMD Instructions for Virtual Consults

IVFMD Instrucciones para Consultas Virtuales

Dr. Juergen Eisermann discusses ovulation: What’s It All About?

Dr. Palmerola April “First Week on Fertility:” STIs & Fertility Part I & II

Dr. Palmerola March "First Week on Fertility" Ovarian Aging Part I , II , III & IV

Dr. Gerkowicz talks about Endometriosis

Dr Palmerola February “First Week on Fertility:” Menstrual Cycle Part I & II